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Charity is very much important in Islam, and Muslims are obliged to give Charity. The charity helps a Muslim have the desire to be more generous and thus better their relationship with Allah (SWT). Charity does not only help people around us but also ourselves and our community as a whole. Charity is seen in the Qur’an, where it tells us that we should lend what we can afford to others who are needy. Charity makes us feel good about ourselves, knowing that we have helped someone out. It reminds us that no matter how difficult things may get, there will always be something of ours to share with others.

Throughout history, charity has been shown by Muslims from all walks of life, from rulers like Umar ibn Khattab (r.a) to the poor and destitute. Charity begins with the Muslim family; It is the father’s duty in Islam to provide for his children. Charity is an important part of a Muslim’s life because it builds good relationships between people and makes everyone feel good about themselves. Charity should be given from one’s own free will, not forced; otherwise, it will NOT be accepted by Allah (SWT).

Charity enriches the soul, bringing inner happiness and religious fulfilment – one feels alive through serving others. The charity provides a means for knowledge, keeping you informed of what is happening around you. The charity helps maintain wealth so that it does not go down the drain Charity helps other people who are less fortunate than ourselves Charity keeps you close to Allah ( SWT Charity is one of the best ways to ensure a better life Charity should be given with the right intentions. Charity makes us feel good about ourselves and knows that we helped someone. Charity keeps your content by giving your wealth to those in need. Charity gives you the opportunity to fulfil your needs; Charity helps improve your social standing; Charity’s purpose is never exhausted.

Charity gives you the opportunity to strengthen your wealth and helps build a good relationship with others and increases in value over time. It also ensures you will be granted his/her reward Charity makes Allah (SWT) happy Charity also stops people from stealing, cheating, and lying Charity keeps your wealth safe Charity acts as a shield for those who are charitable. Charity is one of the best ways that we can show our appreciation to Allah (SWT). Charity gives us the chance to invest Charity helps us look after future generations.

Donate at least once a week to a Muslim charity or some needy people who are in need if you cannot give so much or so often.

Charity should be given from one’s own free will and not forced on anyone because then it won’t be accepted by Allah (SWT). Charity enriches the soul, bringing inner happiness and religious fulfilment – one feels alive through serving others. The charity provides a means for knowledge, keeping you informed of what is happening around you. The charity helps maintain wealth so that it does not go down the drain Charity helps other people who are less fortunate than ourselves Charity keeps you close to Allah (SWT) Charity is one of the best ways to ensure a better life Charity should be given with the right intentions … Charity makes us feel good about ourselves, knowing that we have helped someone out.

You can also book your Qurbani with SKT Welfare.

Charity should be given according to what we can afford Charity helps us maintain our standing in the community Charity works as a shield Charity helps us be good role models Charity is an investment Charity will bring you closer to Allah (SWT). Charity is a form of worship Charity makes Muslims look good Charity brings peace & security.

Hazrat Hasan (r.a) says: Benefits and rewards for spending in Charity are mentioned in many verses of the Quran. In Sura al-Baqara, Allah states that whoever gives 1/40th or more of his wealth in Charity every day is like giving him a full kingdom on the Day of Judgment.

“Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer them, and those whose hearts are made to incline (to truth), and (to free) the captives, and those in debt, and in the cause of Allah and for the wayfarer: A duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is well acquainted with all things.”

“Alms are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to administer it, and those whose hearts are made to yearn towards goodness or who feed orphans or pay off their debt, and for the liberation of slaves; and helping toward substance for them will be treated as charity [al-Baqara 2:273].”

In sura al-Tawba, Charity is something that can save you from hellfire. The Charity helps others & oneself Charity protects you Charity teaches generosity Charity helps you get closer to Allah Charity is better than fasting Charity saves you from hellfire Charity is a means for obtaining perfect knowledge Charity increases your rewards Charity supports the needy Charity brings inner happiness & religious fulfilment Charity provides a way to help others Charity helps maintain wealth Charity keeps you informed of what’s happening around you Charity ensures that money lasts longer Charity allows one to give freely.

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